Monday, October 29, 2007


Another from my little personal stash of photos I take while working just to keep my mind off the fact that I'm working... Taken during a homecoming game with Fuji 800 speed film using nothing but natural light and a steady hand. I like artsy photographs that explore the empty spaces that we sometimes don't focus on. If I had a degree in art I would be able to more describe this photo using terms like "line" and "space" and "composition", but I don't. I just like it because it's cool.

Friday, October 26, 2007

the kids stay in the picture

It's been a while since I took pics of my boys. But, one Sunday morning before church I had their hair punked out and chucks on their feet and decided I'd kill a little time.

Aidan (on the right) reminds me of Johnny Knoxville in that shot.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

before the bell

During the day I'm a school photographer. Photos for the annual, sports, clubs, homecoming games, etc. So, sometimes I'm at an elementary school long before anyone should be awake at all. Well, I began a small personal...project I guess you could call it. Not really a project but just something to keep my creative mind a buzz. So I began shooting what I call a photo essay about what I see as a school photographer. For instance, here is an elementary school at about six in the morning. Taken with Ilford 3200 speed black and white film it gives it a very grainy, artsy feel. I really like this. More to come...

Monday, October 22, 2007

friday night football

When I first moved here from Louisiana, high school football was just another extra curricular activity I had to photograph for the school newspaper. It wasn't the event that they are in Texas. So, you can understand my surprise when I covered my first high school football game for the studio I work for to find the bleachers packed, with people lining the fence line. It appeared that the whole town had turned out for the event. Well, that's exactly what they do here in Texas. Friday Night Lights and the sort. Look at Carroll. Wow. Anyway, now I know what to expect and enjoy bringing home images like these that contribute, in a way, to that Texas tradition.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Here's an extra from Katherine and Raleigh's engagement session. Katherine wasn't quite ready for the moment so I just aimed my camera at Raleigh and hit the shutter. This was the result. I think it's friggin' awesome.

Friday, October 19, 2007

katherine and raleigh

So, Kat and Raleigh, I know you guys have been on pins and needles, so I stayed up late to get these posted as soon as possible. I hope you love them!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

hayes and haner mtr. co.

I don't know why, but I have a fascination with old things. I think I might have blogged this before. Old buildings, ruined cars, broken windows, empty parking lots, abandoned warehouses, these things speak unbelievable amounts of beauty to me. Case in point: this used to be a small used car dealership that's now just a landmark on Camp Bowie West.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I don't really know... I just keep looking at this image thinking it's cool. Hope you guys like it. ~bh

Thursday, October 4, 2007

cup of roses

I finally got some film back from my lab! Here's a shot I conjured up one day with a mini bouquet of roses and a simple coffee cup. I shot it with available light with my Nikon F100 and 400 speed Fuji film. I love the color here and wonder-quite often actually-why am I shooting digital? Film so often inspires and surprises me with beautiful color, skin tones, texture, etc. Who knew? Oh, and if you're wondering where I found roses that are black on the outside and white's because they're made from gaffer's tape.