Thursday, November 21, 2013


In order to help consolidate my online social media word of text blogosphere photo bombing tweet-like note-loving share-linking life, I've decided to start a tumblr.  An online blog where I hope to combine my photography, my thoughts, my occasional essays, and my influences.  You can find it at  And feel free to follow me, leave a note, share a site, and let me know what you think!  

Monday, November 11, 2013

janie wedding :: full post

A little late, but I finally got them up!  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

janie wedd - preview

I'll admit it.  I have neglected my blog.  I don't know what's been going on...maybe too much has been going on!  The real problem is that I've been shooting this entire time.  A wedding here or there, some everyday life stuff to fill in between the gaps.  Anyway, I apologize and to get me back into the rhythm of posting images I'll give you a little taste of a wedding I did-not so recently now.  Just a teaser...more to come!