Saturday, February 12, 2011


Nothing much to write about on this post. It's another Lensbaby shot taken at the park. I figure a photograph of a kid playing at the park is a pretty self-explanatory photograph, what the photograph may not tell you is that while they ran around, hung around, and jumped around on the set, I was having just as much fun capturing it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

at the park

During the Metroplex White Out of 2011, I did get out in it. A couple times. I mean, parents aren't meant to spend every waking hour with their children, that's why we invented things like school, summer camp, day cares, and sleep overs. But, when a wintry blast comes in and closes those important institutions down, we're forced to. Well, on day 4 I couldn't take it anymore and got the kids bundled up and off to the park we went. I packed with me my Mamiya C330-medium format film camera, and my Nikon D200 with the lensbaby. The original lens baby. I know...old school right? Feeling inspired lately by the likes of Mother Nature and Ella Manor, and by a documentary I saw about Steve McCurry, I set out with the kids to the park, camera 'round my neck, and an entire world to fit inside a frame. Here's the first interesting image I took.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

terra and eddie-wedding

Still catching up from last year, here are a few shots from Terra and Eddie's beautiful wedding day. The ceremony was gorgeous and I love how her colors fit right in with the Christmas decor that the church had on display. Anyway, good luck to the both of you, and of course: Congratulations!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

snow dayz II

Another shot from the recent frigid storm that passed through Fort Worth. One day, antsy and slowly succumbing to cabin fever, I packed up the kids and we just went on a drive/slide down the road to see the snowy sights. I took my camera along and brought this back.

Friday, February 4, 2011

snow dayz

Been quite a week here in the DFW: below freezing days turned into an entire week of staying in, drinking hot coffee, building fires, and scraping windshields when we had to get out. I know it's nothing compared to the storms of the north, but for north Texans, we just aren't used to it. Anyway, here's an image that helps capture the frigid temps. It hearkens back to when I first started blogging, I posted a pic similar to this one that people just loved, well, that image got lost in the folds of archived folders of images, so here's a recreation.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the boys

A belated post of the boys: I love this shot, both of the boys nailed the pose, the expression, the total mood of the shot-which ties in the tone, the color, and the setting. From Aidan's lean to the way Ewan has his hands pressed together. They both look smug yet their baby faces tell-all about their un-assuming innocence. I mean...did I say I loved this shot?