Friday, April 13, 2012


I am, and have been, attracted to these huge silos that spread out across Fort Worth. Been eyeing them for a few years now. They're massive structures, nothing of any monumental architectural wonder but they still cast some sort of aesthetic upon me. I think they are awesome. I've been trying to dig up a little history on them lately and really can't find anything that quenches my thirst. They are mysteries to me. What are each of them used for? Are they still in use today? I'm pretty sure they play a part in the story of Fort Worth and it's rise to Western Cowboy Fame, but what part is that? Some of this attraction is that I find wonder and beauty in the simplest of things. A lot of architecture that is applauded can be found on Catholic churches, modern art museums, and the like. I tend to focus on those little known structures that not many people stop to think about: gas stations, grain elevators, flour mills. I don't know why I find beauty in the plain. Maybe it is just the minimalist in me.