Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here's another sneak peek at '12'-my autobiographical photography essay. Each shot in the series represents me or an aspect of my life up to this point in it. Intended for a private show, the portfolio is finished, now I'm on the hunt for a gallery to host it. Back in the good ol' days of Saturday morning cartoons, antennae television signals, original Nintendo, and pagers, I lived on a farm. We raised several animals, but I showed cows. Polled Hereford Heifers, my dad would have corrected. Feeding animals, repairing fences, participating in cow shows-local, regional, district, state levels, bathing them, grooming them, trimming them, teasing them (their hair that is), hauling them, selling them, eating them...all were in a days work. And now, here's homage to them.

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