Thursday, February 10, 2011

at the park

During the Metroplex White Out of 2011, I did get out in it. A couple times. I mean, parents aren't meant to spend every waking hour with their children, that's why we invented things like school, summer camp, day cares, and sleep overs. But, when a wintry blast comes in and closes those important institutions down, we're forced to. Well, on day 4 I couldn't take it anymore and got the kids bundled up and off to the park we went. I packed with me my Mamiya C330-medium format film camera, and my Nikon D200 with the lensbaby. The original lens baby. I know...old school right? Feeling inspired lately by the likes of Mother Nature and Ella Manor, and by a documentary I saw about Steve McCurry, I set out with the kids to the park, camera 'round my neck, and an entire world to fit inside a frame. Here's the first interesting image I took.

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