Monday, April 14, 2008

cover contest

Professional Photographer Magazine is holding a cover contest. I'm not a very competitive person, but I'm working on that... Anyway, these are the images I'm submitting for the contest, just a few of my personal favorites. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I really hope you submit the picture of James peeking out behind the bridesmaids at the Smith wedding. I think that shot is a winning image!

Scoots said...

wow brandon, how to pick just 1, or 4, or 100....your work is incredible. and i really hope you win. all four of the ones you are submitting are great for different reasons. the cake is simplicity at it's best, the shoes are an unusual but very powerful statement, the one of Jessica's wedding party is incredible and then the close up bride looks like a mag advertisement.

Good luck! When are they picking a winner?