I believe in art forms of all kinds...and I believe with the right presentation virtually anything can be an art form. Just walk through your local modern art museum and notice that florescent light bulb just stuck there on the wall at a perfect forty five degree angle. Ah. Art! The great Dan Flavin! Well, often up for debate these modern artists are, and I am not here today to get into that debate, but a lot of things I find are mini art masterpieces in and of themselves. Such as the snapshot. The quick click of a shutter at a scene-whether intended or not-that captures mood, light, atmosphere, or even an unintended look, a wry smile, a cutting of the eyes, all meaning one thing or another, intentional or not. I eat this stuff up! Well, the two shots below were taken on uneventful days from my car window. One shot represents a motel sign that I will always associate with this great city, it's underexposure is appealing to me, reflecting the gritty residence that is typical of this certain motel. The other, a great contrast of color, a warm sun set glow against a hot concrete building downtown and a great charcoal storm looming in the sky right on the edge of bursting! And just because I can, I haven't touched these at all from camera to blog, these photos are untouched by perfectionist programs such as the great photoshop. In my eyes these photos are perfect, surviving on their own.