Monday, December 13, 2010

disney: animal kingdom

Okay, more shots from the Animal Kingdom. First shot, that old building? It's a monkey house, surrounded by water but looks like it was built by a civilization that lived long ago. Next shot. That's a bat. A real live bat that at any moment could spread it's wings and attack me by landing on my shoulder and sinking it's nasty bat-teeth into my neck! At least, that's the thoughts I had while looking at it. Here, in the bat belfry, you get to see the bats pretty close up, because the windows through which you see them are open! No glass, no screen, just window and open air. Still, that's a great shot, huh? What kind of photographer am I? National Geographic photographers pull leaches off their legs deep in the heart of the rainforests. They dodge wild hippos and creepy crawlies you only see in the King Kong. And here I am freaking out about a sleeping bat. Well, enjoy the photos. I'm going to go check my ManHood and get back to you.

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