Friday, February 16, 2007


The title pretty much says it all. It was 18 degrees this morning as me and my son sat in the car letting it warm up before he went to school. Frost covered the car in tiny little snow flake crystal patterns, I grabbed the camera and took a few from inside the car.


Foo Oswald said...

Wow. Damn, that's good. That would make an excellent "huge picture", if that makes any sense...

Scoots said...

wow. you are incredible. the funny thing, "I grabbed my camera". you do not go anywhere with out it. and if you do, you always kick yourself :)

Anonymous said...

Continuing to amaze me. That looks unreal. Like a painting or something unnatural. It's too perfect to simply be a shot taken in the car while it warms up and you simply lean over and "grab your camera."
Amazing dude!