Thursday, February 22, 2007

pinhole photography

What fascinates me the most with photography is that when you get right down to it, all it is is just a hole in a box. That's what makes a camera. I have recently re-kindled an old interest I had in making pinhole cameras out of old Altoids mint tins. The first trials I had were largely unsuccessful, but recently I rigged up a way to attached a roll of film-thread the film through the tin-into an empty film cartridge on the opposite end. It is kinda' hard to explain so I plan on posting photos of the actual pinhole camera I'm using in the future. But today I exposed a roll of film and this was my favorite from the bunch. Not the best subject matter, but I was just shooting a test roll to run it through and see if they even turned out. Now that I know it works, a whole new plane of alternative photography has opened up for me.

The photograph that's shown is largely untouched. I corrected the exposure just a bit in photoshop and then added the thick black sloppy border.

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