Monday, December 5, 2011

gifts from home

I always hear these Christmas tales of woe: an uncle who once painted his niece a painting for Christmas and her response-the moral of the story-was one of selfish brattyness. She hated it because it wasn't what she asked for. It wasn't a Barbie-doll house or Susie-go-potty-a-lot. Again, the stories are meant to teach the value of time, care, and thoughtfulness that go into the art of gift-giving. This year I've taken the story to heart and am doing just that: making most everyone's gift. It's partly because people like my homemade gifts, partly because I enjoy making things (the creative process and all that), and partly because I usually make more than one for myself to keep. So I guess there goes that selfish bratty moral of the story edge to it, huh? Well oh well. Here's a work in progress, a snow globe with a's soooo Livingston Parish.

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