Friday, December 9, 2011

mmmm...sugar cookies.

This is an image I've had in the photo library for a while. It's one of the pictures I plan on using for the Livingston, Louisiana project. One of the best parts of the holidays is of course the food. This cannot be denied, but one of the better parts is my Mother's food which I have on high authority is better than most Mother's food. Sorry, it just is. My mom makes these sugar cookies every so often, more often around the holidays, and more often when us boys where in the house. I prefer them without powdered sugar, but she usually finishes them off with it and every now again, she'll add chocolate chips for buttons on the gingerbread men or the snow men shaped cookies. Either way, they are a part of the holidays in the Hayman household, and they are the best. If you doubt me, just ask my best friend. They're his favorite too.

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