Saturday, March 22, 2008

urban landscape

Hey Conner, this post is for you-I know how you like my photos of architecture and buildings.

I took a morning and just walked downtown Fort Worth for some urban landscape shots for the studio I work for. I was looking for mostly things to use as a backdrop in the studio. The artist in me still tends to take over from time to time and there are some photos that I just couldn't pass up, such as this minimalist approach to urban landscape photography. I tried to look at it in black and white, but (a rare case) I thought the image had more impact in color.


Anonymous said...

Yes I likey! I think the incredible blue sky makes the buildings pop!
Want to come with Atlanta with me at the end of April and go crazy in downtown and the Buckhead area!

- Conner

Foo Oswald said...

Bad @ss, to dig up an old '80's quote...